NBS Scientific now ISO 9001 certified at holding level
We are very pleased to inform you that NBS Scientific is now ISO 9001 certified at Holding level. This means that NBS Scientific’s management systems in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States have been approved by LRQA according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard. We are very proud of all the employees of NBS Scientific and congratulate everyone on this great achievement.
The ISO 9000 family relates to quality of a company, and specifically the 9001 standard applies to the quality management of a company. Only after a thorough audit by an outside party can a company list this sought after certification. This globally recognized standard serves as the basis for the quality of goods and services, and we are therefore pleased to have reached this milestone at the Holding level. The NBS Scientific organizations have an excellent quality management system, identifying customer needs, requirements, desires and specifications, employees are continuously working to improve the organizations, and the quality of products and services is ensured.
In addition, we are able to reduce costs and adapt to changing situations. We work with a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle to improve our companies. The logically most important criterion that is tested for ISO 9001 certification is excellent (and constantly increasing) customer satisfaction. Surveys in this regard take place annually at NBS Scientific. Due to our rich experience with various clients in the past and our dedication to providing quality products and services, positive results are obtained time after time. We are proud of this recognition and are currently working to further expand our ISO certifications (14001).